Tag Archives: Music

Yoga and 7 random Facts! Oh and awesome news!


Hey guys I got awarded top health blogger from wellsphere I feel so official yay:) See my badge. Jk LOL!

Anyway I have a few things today first on the list … Yoga.


Where have you been my whole life I have fallen in love. A deep love. It is amazing. Getting personal exercise has been such a point of senisitivty and struggle in my life. First I hate it! Then with an eating disorder feeling like I have to but never did. I had so much guilt over it that food struggles got worse.

This went on for years. My whole family is an athlete and I feel like a failure cuz I am not one. Still do to be honest. I still hate exercise its a struggle.

But I found yoga. And for the first time I feel strong, flexible and I look forward to it. So yes yoga will be on this blog because it rocks.

My favorite pose has to be…




On my list to do is get my yoga certificiation. Not only do I feel physcially better but my depression has gone down a lot. I am by no means good or anything but I hope to be and I love it,
Hows exercise for you? Do you like yoga?

So after the blog over at Choosing Raw today I decided to do seven random facts as well….

1.  I love disney channel music. I am a geek:) It makes me happy.

2. I am thinking of going into child pschology. I love kids and helping people.

3. The country I want to visit most is Thailand. I want to eat a Durian really bad;).

4. I have been in a Sonic commercial. Wierd I know Lol:). It was awesome .

5. I write songs. They are usually very sad and are always very personal. Songwriting is my baby.

6. Being eco-friendly is really hard for me.My family could care less and it is a challenge.

7. I am starting to find my faith after years of struggle thanks to an awesome church.


So there you go. I am gonna tag….

Rande over at Vegetable Centric Kitchen

If you want to do it;)

Music of the day:

“Thank you” by Keith Urban. Even if you are not a country fan at all this song is beautiful thanking his wife for standing by him and loving him in the darkest days of his life in his addictions. So amazing!!

Tomorrow on the blog: An awesome “chip” recipe and a yummy salad!!!



Question: What role has exercise played in your life? Is it easy or hard? What is your favorite? How much do you do?
Have a nice yummy night. I am going to my older sisters tonight and I am having “chips” and salad (that’ll be here tomorrow) and my yummy maca drink I LOVED. Treat yourself xxoxo

Music and New Years Resolutions


Hey everyone!!!

With the new year approaching I wanted to address new years resolutions. I think deciding to make a good choice for yourself is great. I will recover… I will loose weight… I will tell myself affirmations… Etc. But the idea of one time a year most of the population deciding to resolve to loose weight I think is not positive. There’s also all these cleanses going on. Cleansing for SOME and at the right time can be a good thing, but all these people cleansing because it’s the new year is again not positive. I like what queer vegan food said resolve to tell someone close to you love them, resolve to affirm yourself everyday not feel the need to fix yourself somehow big time.

I went to barnes and noble today and it’s no wonder eating disorders are on the rise and it was just full of weight loss stuff. I had to sigh and head over to my true crime books;).

So far music today I picked a song by a great artist:::

“Have your way” by Britt Nicole.

PHENOMENAL song about letting go! Check it out it changed my life. I cry when I hear it.

To do: check out Marlena Torres blog on self love today so great!!!

Tomorrow: some awesome links, maybe a recipe or some new music.




Please don’t think changes are bad just this need to fix yourself this time a year they are different. In fact I think inspiration boards are great. I’m gonna make one. I’ll post it. I’d love to see yours:)!

Question: What do you have planned in the new year? What so you think of resolutions? What are your thoughts on the big 2011??

Have a nice night!!!


Merry Christmas!!!!!


I gotta start with bad news I am gonna have to hault the giveaway due to lack of popularity in the blog sorry:(!

Soon though and for the one person who commented I will send a little goodie:).

My Christmas was very simple family, yoga, music, and little kids:).
How was yours???

So I have big news about the blog!!!
I will continue to do health ad recipe posts but due to starting a mini buisness soon another huge part of my blog will be music. All kinds reviews, songlists for different moods, how music saves me and more! First post tomorrow!!! I hope it helps music saves my life and I am so passionate about it and finding it and I love it and I know so many people who have benefited from finding the right kinds.

Also I have a quick review of sunwarrior!! And recipes:

Christmas cranberry smoothie:

I graciously got a few samples. I tried the new chocolate with cranberries and spinach so good!!! The chocolate however wasn’t that pontent. I bight recommend that smoothie though!!!

Sunwarrior vanilla cream:

Also the new vanilla was TO DIE FOR! I had it with blueberries and zuchinni yumm!!!!

Totally visit sunwarrior and I’m being honest I wouldn’t recommend something I didnt like!! I would recommend the vanilla flavor though.

Note on protein powders: I highly recommend getting your nutrients from real food but sometimes the taste and texture of these are awesome!!

New year “resolutions” and dream boards and Music when for when your sad its really cool how these help and later my story with music and one day I’ll maybe post some of my own lyrics!
Please help spread the word of recovering my life force! Thank you!!

Some great quotes:




What did you guys enjoy this Christmas!!!:)?

Love and happy holidays!

Oh I almost forgot to mention I am looking more blogs to read so let me know about yours! Plus I’m starting a blogroll and lost as you add me to yours I’ll add you:)

Happy holidays!