Category Archives: eating disorders

eating disorders

Recipes from instagram!


So I wanna post a few of the recipes I’ve had on my Instagram here today. I love these a lot.


Minty Berry Coconut Green Smoothie:
-1c frozen berry’s
-1-2tbs. Coconut flour
-Drop coconut and mint extract
-Coconut shreds

Blend all up to stevia with a little water. Then pour a little in a glass add coconut shreds and layer each with smoothie. Enjoy!


Cranberry Coconut Cake:
-1/4c egg whites
– 2 tbs. coconut flour
-tbs. flax
-drop vanilla and dash sea salt
-1/2 tsp. baking powder

Mix all Ing with a little water and mix in cranberries. Microwave for 1-2 minutes. Top with a little yogurt, cranberries, and cinnamon. Enjoy!


<strong<Carrot Cake Bowl
-1c yogurt
-Packet carrott baby food
-1-2tbs. Coconut flour, cinnamon, maple syrup each
-1-2tbs. Flax

Layer and mix. Enjoy!!!


Strawberry short cake:
-1/4c egg whites
-2tbs. Coconut flour
-tsp. coconut oil
-coconut shreds

Mix In a bowl. Microwave for 1-2 minutes. Top with yogurt, strawberries, and coconut shreds. Enjoy!!

I really hope you like the recipes let me know!!

Have a good day.

Quote: “If I told you in 10 years from now nothing would change I doubt you’d be happy so why are you so afraid of change?”

What does that mean to you?

I love that quote. I say it all the time to get through tough times in recovery.



Hey well it has been a long time!  *****************

This blog is definitely going to take a turn. I have been on a huge journey for myself and didn’t want to post until I could really bring you something that was working for me. I am now doing well. I am not eating raw, vegan, juicing. Nope yummy food is involved. Overnight oats, omelets, power bowls (credit over to powercakes), fish, pancakes and more. I have become something of a chef and cannot wait to share it with you.

I also feel the site can be a sense of support for everyone. Recovery is not just from eating disorders, drugs or alcohol. What about the person who self esteem is so low, or is trapped in her exercise routine or diet or is addicted to shopping. It is all  pain that is coming out sideways. Which is why I am really focusing on the blog.
Also I changed my site name because I feel that people  (like myself) live so much in the past they forget about the future and do not realize that everything that happens is


Doc Website

Winter Squashes, Blog Lovin, And More….



So it is approaching fall and I am just loving squash! Infact tonight I had my Spegetti Squash dish tonight!!

But do not forget all the other beautiful squashes and sweet potatos (I did a whole post on my love for them) and yams (they have these awesome Purple Japenese ones) !!! A new post on this may be necessary;) Would you like that?

I will give a quick Squash Recipe…. Ready.

Take your favorite squash (commly butternut)

Cut in half.

Spread with coconut oil or butter and cinnamon.

Eat it all and savor!:)

I just had to give a huge shoutout to some blogs and youtubes I have been loving lately:::  : Kasey is so incredible and inspirations not to mention really eats a rainbow and takes great care of herself!!! : Great yoga videos I love her!

Great Post by Gena of Choosing Raw on how yoga helped her recover from her eating disorder.

Lastly, The Pure 2 Raw Twins have been super inspiring lately!

Question:: What blogs and youtbes, recipes are you lovely lately?

Emotions Food and the Colon


I have recently discovered the power of emotions.

It affects everything. That’s why there is emotional eating and emotional constipation( yes, its real).

When I am happy I digest everything and I am regular.

My challenge to you is to look at your emotions. Wether it be through meditation (listen to the ocean while you do it … it helps:), a therapist, a shauman, etc. Take a look. And heal.


Good Luck:)~ 

Diet…Is it mental?


This is a post thats been on my mind for a while now that is diet. There is so much dogma out there theres raw, vegan, paleo, 80/10/10, atkins, south beach,etc…lalala. For every diet there is a group of people it works for and then theres the people who follow no diet and it works out just fine.

For me I truly am starting to believe there is not “perfect right tight”.  It is mind control if you feel right it’ll be right. There is no good or bad in this life. Everything is here for a reason. Yes even raw for all the raw dogma out there right now with cleansing season. It is mental and a lifestyle. When food no longer plagues your mind it will no longer plague your body. You can eat the perfect diet but when all you do is stress about it then it WILL take a toll on your body because your mind is that powerful.

Instead of focusing so much on your diet and finding the perfect cleanse focus on finding something you LOVE MORE than diet.

Enjoy life guys. Go out there, and eat how it TRULY makes you feel best. Just listen to your body it talks.

I’ll be back soon with another post on my thoughts on bikram yoga. Have a nice day!!

QUESTION: What are your thoughts on diet and the mind?

Yoga and 7 random Facts! Oh and awesome news!


Hey guys I got awarded top health blogger from wellsphere I feel so official yay:) See my badge. Jk LOL!

Anyway I have a few things today first on the list … Yoga.


Where have you been my whole life I have fallen in love. A deep love. It is amazing. Getting personal exercise has been such a point of senisitivty and struggle in my life. First I hate it! Then with an eating disorder feeling like I have to but never did. I had so much guilt over it that food struggles got worse.

This went on for years. My whole family is an athlete and I feel like a failure cuz I am not one. Still do to be honest. I still hate exercise its a struggle.

But I found yoga. And for the first time I feel strong, flexible and I look forward to it. So yes yoga will be on this blog because it rocks.

My favorite pose has to be…




On my list to do is get my yoga certificiation. Not only do I feel physcially better but my depression has gone down a lot. I am by no means good or anything but I hope to be and I love it,
Hows exercise for you? Do you like yoga?

So after the blog over at Choosing Raw today I decided to do seven random facts as well….

1.  I love disney channel music. I am a geek:) It makes me happy.

2. I am thinking of going into child pschology. I love kids and helping people.

3. The country I want to visit most is Thailand. I want to eat a Durian really bad;).

4. I have been in a Sonic commercial. Wierd I know Lol:). It was awesome .

5. I write songs. They are usually very sad and are always very personal. Songwriting is my baby.

6. Being eco-friendly is really hard for me.My family could care less and it is a challenge.

7. I am starting to find my faith after years of struggle thanks to an awesome church.


So there you go. I am gonna tag….

Rande over at Vegetable Centric Kitchen

If you want to do it;)

Music of the day:

“Thank you” by Keith Urban. Even if you are not a country fan at all this song is beautiful thanking his wife for standing by him and loving him in the darkest days of his life in his addictions. So amazing!!

Tomorrow on the blog: An awesome “chip” recipe and a yummy salad!!!



Question: What role has exercise played in your life? Is it easy or hard? What is your favorite? How much do you do?
Have a nice yummy night. I am going to my older sisters tonight and I am having “chips” and salad (that’ll be here tomorrow) and my yummy maca drink I LOVED. Treat yourself xxoxo

Links Dayy:)))


So my blog is all about what I am inspired to write that day and what I think would be the most helpful!:)
Today links to awesome stuff is my inspiration. LOTS coming your way!!!!


So Nativa Naturals is having a smoothment. If you love smoothies this is for you:)! The recipes are delicious and they have 30% all products for members so join its fun:

REVIEW: NuNaturals is my opinion is one of the best companies out there. So gracious. They rec’ently sent me a package to review so here is what I think:

Vanilla Stevia: One word. Delicous. Oh heck lets save time:)…I loved the vanilla stevia, all the powders, and the cocoa bean extract was to DIE FOR!!!
Please check them out they have swormed the blogosphere and rightfully so!


Her blog is SO awesome and her recipes are to do for! Love it!

She has the most creative mind ever:)!!!

She intelligent, inspiring and insightful!

Song of the day:

“Skyscraper” by Demi Lovato

I know I am a geek but she is so inspiring lately speaking out on eating disorders, healthy bodies and self harm!

 Saving and Deals:

If you haven’t joined you SO need to it! It rocks! Please join through this link!

Open Sky:

Great Deals!

Well That was random enjoy:)!

Quote of the day:

Love this one…Have a nice day!









Music and New Years Resolutions


Hey everyone!!!

With the new year approaching I wanted to address new years resolutions. I think deciding to make a good choice for yourself is great. I will recover… I will loose weight… I will tell myself affirmations… Etc. But the idea of one time a year most of the population deciding to resolve to loose weight I think is not positive. There’s also all these cleanses going on. Cleansing for SOME and at the right time can be a good thing, but all these people cleansing because it’s the new year is again not positive. I like what queer vegan food said resolve to tell someone close to you love them, resolve to affirm yourself everyday not feel the need to fix yourself somehow big time.

I went to barnes and noble today and it’s no wonder eating disorders are on the rise and it was just full of weight loss stuff. I had to sigh and head over to my true crime books;).

So far music today I picked a song by a great artist:::

“Have your way” by Britt Nicole.

PHENOMENAL song about letting go! Check it out it changed my life. I cry when I hear it.

To do: check out Marlena Torres blog on self love today so great!!!

Tomorrow: some awesome links, maybe a recipe or some new music.




Please don’t think changes are bad just this need to fix yourself this time a year they are different. In fact I think inspiration boards are great. I’m gonna make one. I’ll post it. I’d love to see yours:)!

Question: What do you have planned in the new year? What so you think of resolutions? What are your thoughts on the big 2011??

Have a nice night!!!


Lessons Learned…Recipes tomorrow…Wish List And Music Soon And A CHALLENGE!


So today’s focus is on what I’ve learned.

One is on codependency.

For those who don’t know what that is it basically is a need to please and care take or control others to the point it affects your life. Even if you think this doesn’t sound like you I highly recommend you read the books and check out this link:


Sometimes it doesn’t sound like you when it is put like this but so many people are codependent on others, they need to do something because others do( in food world it can be eating a certain way, looking a certain way, etc. but it goes far beyond that!)

Its really hard and really hard to recognize. I highly recommend you guys check out a book called Facing Codependency by Pia Mellody…. Really check out a lot of her books she’s Great!

Get it Here

Journal after reading on how it has affected you what you can do fix it. Also if you find it has really affected you they have CODA meetings everywhere (codependents anonymous). It kinda sounds over the top but I found it very helpful!

CODA Wesite

The second thing is boundaries. So many people either have no boundaries or to many. For example, no boundaries, the other day my friend took a bus and the guy next to her spent the whole bus ride telling her his whole life story…um they never met. Is that you?

Or to many, For example, There are people who have known me for years but really know nothing about me and I kept a ton of secrets to keep myself safe.

You need to have boundaries with others too. Being able to say no to others without guilt (hard for so many just saying yes all the time then holding resentments which are not good for you) or being able to take care of you while others are in trouble especially when those people are close to you.

A great book on that is called Boundaries by Anne Katherine.

Get it Here

Tomorrow I’ll be back with two GREAT new recipes! And the next day with a Christmas List And my music business and music advice.

And I’m gonna end today with a CHALLENGE not a quote. And I am very serious about this challenge. Its so important to me and SO vital to my healing if you would just give it a try especially great for big detoxers.


I want you guys to eat one food you like but would NEVER eat. EVER EVER. That’s right like a chips ahoy cookie. A resturant sandwhich you’ve always wanted. A crazy breakfast cereal like Trix. Something like that. And see what it brings up for you.

Do you feel gross? Emense Guilt? Sad? Bad? Shame? See what its about when else have you felt that way?

If you don’ t feel anything. That’s great!

But if so, which is common now, I recommend HIGHLY you see a therapist or counselor about it or a close friend. If your broke go to your college they have it or church or EDA or CODA or something talk. Doesn’t necessarily  mean you have huge food issues but it means food is something other than food to you and has control in your life.

I WOULD LOVE to hear about anything related to this topic and a lot about this challenge. Tell your friends spread the word.

You can contact me anytime for help or questions or anything.

Good Night!

PS- Eclipse tonight!. Last one until 2014!!!!!

I’m Backk…




I am backk….! I will be honest for where I was at.

I went to treatment yes for that long. I was not in a good place. But I have learned SOOOO much and cannot wait to share!

I am not rethinking all the cleansing lifestyle I’ve been living. My blog will still be whole foods. Delicious. And about what you WANT rather than what you “HAVE” or “NEED” to do.

Life is to short to spend your time thinking about what and how to eat.

I’m excited!

Something to ponder for the day:
It’s about your relationship with the food not the food itself.

Something to consider:
Seeing a nutritionist who specalizes in your relationship with the food not dieting, weightloss, cleansing, exercise, etc…


Hmmmm…:) Have a great day blog starts tomorrow…


Question:: What foodie gift are you hoping for? Can’t wait to give ideas tomorrow.
